PS4 vs Xbox One Head-to-Head Face Off: May 2015

Every so often, Eurogamer run a series of technical comparison reviews for games released on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This is the latest update to the full list and you can hover over the web site icon for a very quick summary.

  • PS4 is better than Xbox One Eurogamer: PlayStation 4 pulls ahead of Xbox One simply by virtue of its higher frame-rate, though the consistency of the advantage is uneven...Transparent 16x16 Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty
  • PS4 is better than Xbox One Gaming Bolt: We actually preferred the PS4 version over the Xbox One due to its higher consistent frame rate and native 1080p resolution, though both versions look phenomenal when you consider the translation required from PC to console. Project CARS
  • PS4 is better than Xbox One Gaming Bolt: Both the PS4 and Xbox One versions also look excellent, though we give the nod to the PS4 in terms of image quality thanks to native 1080p resolution. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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