PS4 vs Xbox One Head-to-Head Face Off: June 2015

Every so often, Eurogamer run a series of technical comparison reviews for games released on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This is the latest update to the full list and you can hover over the web site icon for a very quick summary.

  • PS4 is better than Xbox One  Batman: Arkham Knight
  • PS4 is better than Xbox One Transparent 16x16 Devil May Cry 4
  • PS4 is better than Xbox One Transparent 16x16 Payday 2: Crimewave Edition
  • PS4 is better than Xbox One Eurogamer: With its slightly better effects work, the PS4 game gets the final nod, but outside of downgraded light shafts and a reduction in the utilisation of the depth of field effect, there's little to separate the two versions with regards to gameplay and performance - the overall experience is much the same.Transparent 16x16 The Elders Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
  • PS4 is better than Xbox One Transparent 16x16 Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

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